DIESTRO was founded in 2004 in La Paz - Bolivia. This enterprise aims to create real support options measure to the producer and high quality products and standards for the international market. Diestro LLC since 2007 works from his headquarter in Virginia -U.S, successfully introduce products in the Gourmet Market. This is a private effort by Industrial Engineering - Master in Business Creation Carmen Segales.
"Proud from Bolivia"
. Innovative Business Award in the metropolitan area (Maryland - Washington DC - Virginia)
Awarded by: LEDC (Latino Economic Development Corporation)
Year 2012
. Mention in the Washington Post News Paper - Capital Business
Year 2012
. Video Production, cycle "Productos Bolivianos Exitosos en Estados Unidos"
Elaborated by: Department of State of the United States of America in collaboration with the Studio Bolivision SRL.
Year 2011
. Letter of thanks for participation and collaboration.
By: Department of State of the United States of America